Saw palmetto capsules

Saw palmetto capsules

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Latin name: Serenoa repens

Parts used: Berries

Active Constituents: Phytosterols, polysaccharides, fatty acids, resins.

Therapeutic actions: Antiandrogenic. Anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, nutritive, decongestant, demulcent, immunostimulant, aphrodisiac.

Used for low libido in men, for erectile dysfunctions, and as part of a wider treatment for low sperm count. It’s used in cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Researchers suggest it reduces swelling, prevents further growth of the prostate (because it promotes the degradation of dihydrotestosterone) and improves the flow of urine. It is used in other prostate conditions also, for example as an anti-inflammatory for cases of prostatitis. It can be used for inflammation in other structures of the male reproductive and urinary system too. For females, it is used alongside the likes of Angus castus to address polycystic ovaries and acne. It may also be part of a wider treatment of fertility issues in women linked to excess androgens. It is soothing and antimicrobial for urinary tract infection in both men and women.


Also used for promoting appetite, where it has found in particular use in cases of anorexia. It’s useful, calming adaptogen, and given the circumstances where it is used, you can imagine that such actions are often wholly appropriate. As an immunostimulant, it is often considered when someone lost a great amount of weight as a result of an illness (either serious or non-serious) and have become weak and debilitated. Here it supports the immune system and strengthens the constitution. 

Caution - CONTRAINDICATED DURING LACTATION (pregnant or breastfeeding).

 If you’re taking any prescription medications, always consult your healthcare provider prior to taking any supplements. 

Health/Wellness coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment, and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims, and/or substitute for your personal physician care. As your health/wellness coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician. It is my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health/wellness goals.



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